31 July 2011

So hello everyone. As you can see, I've been neglecting my blog....I should be reported to the ASPCB(American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Blogs.)  ....Okay, that wasn't funny. Sorry.
Lately I have been DYING OF BOREDOM. Honestly, I need something to do.
But I've got some stuff lately. Here it is.

  • Saucony ProGrid Kinvara 2 :3 
  • Bikini (oh my gawd. What's happening to me?!)
  • Ossim shorts that are so ossim that they deserve a misspell.
  • HD cable for my PS3/TV. The graphics rock my socks.
  • A new hairstyle. Whoahhh. 
  • A really tough piano piece from my teacher. Battle of Waterloo. :P
So recently I have - oh wait a second, an ad just appeared on my Facebook, but part of it was blocked, so instead of reading "Chestnut Brass" I read it as "Chestnut Bras." Lol, fail.
Anyway. So recently I have ♦been running a lot ♦ watched Insidious, it wasn't all that scary but I screamed a few times ♦ can't lose weight asdf ♦ had major artblock ♦ gone to Lake Erie without sunscreen, subsequently been fried ♦ been teaching myself a song in Latin ♦ been growing my hair out longer; it's about 15 inches ♦ gone to my friend's going-away party ♦ tried to make hotdogs in my friend's chimalaya(sp?) and failed miserably* ♦ been practicing cadences/scales/borrrrinnggg on piano ♦ been toasted by the >90 degree heat here ♦ sat on the floor of my friend's garage and watched the giant thunderstorm above us until the garage started to flood ♦ watched the ice cream man part of Legion at my friend's house; one of my friends was screaming louder than me and the other one(the one I was using as a teddybear) was laughing because he didn't find it scary** ♦ been vidchatting a lot ♦ been actually bored by Stephen King books because I've read them multiple times(gasp) ♦ fallen in love with the ten-years-ago Keanu Reeves; I need a time machine, and I need it now ♦ ya know what...I'll stop there. 

Now here are some links. 
http://artoftrolling.memebase.com/ Okay, so this website has some of the best internet pranks I've seen(otherwise known as "trolling.") Don't be fooled by the boring stuff on the first page. If you're still not convinced, check here. These are some of my favourites from across the site. http://cheezburger.com/strawberry.and.vanilla.milkshake/favorites
http://gabrielle.youarelame.com/  I love this website. You type someone's name in the URL and it shoots out insults. It's mean, but the idea is pretty funny. Also, the various music makes me giggle. (especially the one that goes "ra-ta-ta, tata, tatatata, yah ta-ta-ta.." and the "mana-mana..." Lol, this sounds so screwed up out of context. 
Alright, I am done here. 
Gabrielle out. 

*first hotdog: thrown in the fire by friend because it was covered in newspaper. second hot dog: torn into chunks and eaten my me/my friend. third hotdog: cooked over a scented candle. I took one bite and almost puked. fourth hot dog: i gave up and ate it cold. Not very ladylike of me, huh?
**pff. I wish I couldn't find things scary. But the Ice Cream Man was FREAKY D: