29 May 2011

Slick one.

What's going on? Well, in one sentence, I burned my hand, am listening to the Lonely Island, and cooking like a muffin. It's extremely hot here.
So I decided something. To keep my blog from being TOO boring(even though I have 1 follower and it's Maggs, shush) I choose to post one thing that struck me for every blog post. And then gabber about it. It can be a story, picture, or a video....
but the thing I found today just needs to be addressed.
Kinder(brand name) Surprise Eggs are a type of candy from Germany. It's a little plastic container inside a hollow chocolate egg that holds a toy. I've had them before when they were sent/brought to our family from Germany, and like all German candy, they're delicious. Sadly, they're banned in the United States, and you can actually be fined for smuggling them*.
The point I'd like to make here is about a commercial for said candy. You can watch this and draw your own conclusions(aka, how many hours of sleep you'll lose tonight.) I encourage you to try not to think about it.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot - "kinder" is German for "children." I advise against bragging that you had the chance to eat Kinder. At least put "chocolate" or "brand" after it, for the sake of us all.
Okay, I think that's enough for one day, no? I don't know when I'll blog next. Bye for now. ~Gabrielle

*from an article about the 1993 ban: On January 10, 2011, a Winnipeg woman was almost fined $300 dollars when crossing the border with a Kinder Egg in her possession because it was not reported to the border officials during a random car search.  When officials found the egg, it was confiscated, leaving the woman very confused, as Canada has been selling the product in stores since 1975. Much to her dismay, the border officials were very serious about the seizure of the egg, and sent her a 7 page document that asked her for permission to destroy the chocolate egg and enclosed toy. If she wished to have contested its termination, she would have had to pay a sum of 250 dollars to store the item. It is rumored that people sometimes smuggle Kinder Surprise treats across the US-Canadian border as gifts for family members.

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