01 June 2011


Today is June 1, the first day of the month and the last day of the 2010-2011 school year. It's very nice to be free. This summer I'll be doing what I love to do, with no lousy interruptions like schoolwork. I won't be using the computer as much and I'm going to be outside. Things like playing the piano, practicing karate, riding my bike, singing, reading books, running, and drawing will keep me entertained for these three long months. They keep the depression at bay.
My school year was good overall. I had excellent teachers(Jewett, Dennison, Cain, Papa Covs) and my classes weren't too difficult. I think March and April were the points in which the s--tstorm really rolled in, but I got through it and I'm glad. Moments like the headless chicken discussion, the fly ignorance incident, the junior high dances, all of our musical rehearsals, and so many more are things I'll never forget. .......Eh, scratch that. I'll probably have forgotten by next week. My memory is really quite awful.
Enough about me for today. Now it's time for me to show you something.
I found this image on the website The Art of Trolling*.
By the way, if you didn't know, this is a list of networks in your area that you can access on your computer. So it's just a bit alarming to see that up there. Put yourself in that situation for a moment and consider your options. 
Alright, I'm done here for a little while. I'll blog soon. But now I'm going to go outside and get some sun. It's about time. Also, check my network connections. 

*very funny database full of Internet pranks and examples of witty backsass. Beware, it can get gross though. x__x

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