24 June 2011

Sleeping Difficulties, Cooking Dinner, Duma Key, and Photoshop Elements 6

Hello everyone~!
Lately I've been having trouble falling asleep, or having strange dreams...These people were insulting my boyfriend and that night I dreamt that one of those people wouldn't let go of me even when I asked, so I kicked him. Isn't that horrible..? I think it's stress - which is never any fun. :( And then another day, my brother and I had been talking about Cole MacGrath(the main character in Infamous) and a kid that used to go to our school named Cole had appeared in my dream that night. Then last night my heart started to race at random intervals...it was strange. I would inhale, and my heartbeat would accelerate to a kamikaze thumpthumpthumpthump. Then I'd exhale, and it would become ka-thump...ka-thump...ka-thump..That really can't be good...
Also, I made tuna casserole for dinner tonight. ..Just....thought I should let you know. (My mother's right hand is basically unusable for her because something is wrong with her nerves, so my brother and I help with dinner/other tasks now.)
I finished Dreamcatcher by Stephen King. I'm really glad I didn't stop reading it. I was actually going to(getting bored) then things got better and it's one of my favourites now. I'd recommend it to anyone. And now I'm reading Duma Key(by the same author..surprised?) It's about an amputee-turned-artist in Florida that goes through some pretty nutty stuff when things start to pick up in the book.
And I've been drawing a lot. Art block is something I've had for months(honestly, I just didn't feel the motivation) and I think I'm making up for it now. Check my deviantART here: Gabrielle's art...
Also, Coldplay released two new songs: Major Minus and Moving to Mars. They're both pretty good. Major Minus is amazing, in my opinion.
Okay, I'm done for now because I have to get off the computer. Bye all! :D

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