19 June 2011


Hello everyone! I haven't blogged in a little while...well, in my absence from here, I've -

  • celebrated a 6-monthiversary
  • swam in the river(twice, and went tubing)
  • learned how to cook bacon, eggs, sausage, corn
  • been working on my British accent
  • gotten better at distance running
  • lost my contact in my eyeball
  • slept in wayyy too much
  • written a little bit
  • started reading Dreamcatcher, which will be my fifteenth Stephen King book to conquer. :D
Oh, and I discovered this amazing band called The Firmament. I can't stop listening to their songs. They're sort of alternative, I can't really describe it, but they're amazing. I'd recommend them to anyone, regardless of taste. Try listening to Time Travel, if you're in an okay mood, or Constellation, if you're upbeat, or Forge, if you feel hyper, or Again if you're feeling down. Yes, they're awesome.
Now I think I'm gonna finish this drawing....Photoshop is being really stupid today and I can't take it much longer. -_-

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